The Herefordshire and Worcestershire PE and Sport Premium Awards are back!
We want the amazing work that schools in Herefordshire and Worcestershire are doing with their Primary PE and Sport Premium funding to be recognised!
We know that there are some brilliant projects happening to support children and young people to be active and this is your chance to get recognition for your school.
There are 3 categories that schools can apply for (examples can be found on the nomination form below):
- Physical activity and health enhancing award: For schools that can demonstrate the impact of the grant on their pupils' engagement in physical activity or health improvement activities
- Whole School Improvement award: For schools that can demonstrate the impact of their funding on school priorities/development areas through the use of physical activity
- Up-skilling staff award: For schools which can demonstrate the impact of the grant on pupils when increasing confidence, competence or qualifications of school staff including teachers, teaching assistants, lunch time supervisors, governors or parents.
The nomination can come from the school (teacher, support staff, governor etc), a parent/extended family member or a partner of the school (local authority, academy sponsor, coaching organisation).
Please return your completed nomination form by Friday 8th March 2024.
When applying, please think about:
- Innovation – how have you delivered something innovative which has had a significant impact on the young people in your school, that other schools can learn from?
- Sustainability – how have you ensured that the impact of an additional intervention can be maintained after the grant is no longer provided?
- Impact on pupils – this is crucial if your submission is to be successful. How have you ensured and measured (evidence will be required) that pupils benefit from the intervention?
Nomination Form 2023 24 (MS Word, 60 Kb)
Primary PE & School Sport
The Primary PE and Sport Premium (PPSP) for primary schools aims to improve the quality of primary PE. The importance of children having access to high quality PE within schools is widely publicised. Numerous studies and research has highlighted the link between positive experiences with PE and future physical activity levels both in later childhood and adulthood.
Figures from the Active Lives Children & Young People survey suggest that, in Herefordshire and Worcestershire, 58% of children and young people do not meet the Chief Medical Officer guidelines of 60 mins a day of physical activity per day. The Primary PE and Sport Premium is an important programme to help schools provide a greater amount of high-quality PE and physical activity throughout the school day and support children to meet at least 30 minutes of that recommended amount.
Active Herefordshire and Worcestershire are committed to supporting schools to inspire the next generation, remove barriers and increase participation in high quality physical education, sport and physical activity for ALL children.
Through the Primary PE and Sport Premium (PPSP), funding has been committed by the Government until the end of the 2023 academic year, to support the sustained development of sport, physical activity and PE within schools.
Our support
As the Active Partnership (AP) for Herefordshire and Worcestershire, we receive funding to support all of our local, eligible schools to spend their PPSP funding effectively. Together with local education partners, SGOs, local and national organisations we have established strategies and support networks for all schools who receive PPSP. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the emphasis on maintaining physical activity within schools to support both the physical and mental wellbeing of children has become important than ever. Through the use of PPSP funding, we want to support schools to find new ways in which they can introduce physical activity throughout the school timetable, whilst also taking into consideration the challenges schools are currently. Some of the areas our experts can support you with include:
- Recommend and assist with applications to other funding streams
- Help to develop and implement improvement plans
- Upskill teaching staff, providing guidance and CPD opportunities to teachers and PE Co-ordinators
- Demonstrating evidence and impact
- Access to networks and partnerships
- Advise on how to make informed decisions when spending the PPSP
PPSP Support Contacts for each area can be found at the bottom of the page. Documents with further information and advice can be accessed using the resources link.
More detailed information can be found here.
Kerrie O'Mahony
Project Manager (Children & Young People)
- Children and Young People Programmes
- Virtual Schools
- Strategic Lead for the School Games
- Physical Activity and Health
- This Girl Can Programme
- Active Lives
- Safeguarding Officer
- Mobile
- 07766 611946
- Website
Tracey Freer
- PPSP support for Bromsgrove, Wychavon and Redditch
- Opening School Facilities support for Worcestershire
- Telephone
- 07838 736 266
Alex Repton
- PPSP support for Wyre Forest, Malvern Hills, Worcester City and Droitwich
- Opening School Facilities support for Worcestershire
- Telephone
- 01299 873611
Emma Gardner
Education & Health Manager
- PPSP support for Herefordshire
- School support plans
- Health / physical activity interventions
- Change 4 Life
- School Games Organiser
- Telephone
- 01432 376086