Coaching Academy

Active Herefordshire & Worcestershire's Coaching Academy

In partnership with the University of Worcester

In 2022 Active Herefordshire and Worcestershire launched their Coaching Academy, in partnership with the University of Worcester.

The Coaching Academy was developed as a support system for the workforce within Herefordshire and Worcestershire, to connect clubs, coaches, volunteers and organisations in the sport and physical activity industry, and provide advice and guidance.

What is the Coaching Academy?

After hosting a workforce consultation event and survey in September 2022, the Coaching Academy was developed as a support system for the workforce of the two counties. The Coaching Academy will host regular events for local coaches, clubs, volunteers, sports organisations and community organisations. These events will aim to provide useful information, guidance and resources, facilitate networking between the local workforce and provide information on courses and further learning opportunities.


Find here the latest information on our up coming events!

Mental health and Well-being in Sport and physical Activity - we had great success with our latest event, a big thanks to Paul Smith, Marieanne Spacey-Cale and Tom Reeves for being out guest speakers. And a big Thank you to Stewart Kingscott for hosting the evening! For more information and resources on mental health and well-being scroll down to the bottom of the page to find our resource page!

Information on our next event will be released soon!

Emergency First Aid at Work

  • Level 3 Emergency First Aid At Work Qualification - dates TBC

UK Coaching - Safeguarding and Protecting Children & Young People Renewal (E-Learning)

UK Coaching & Ann Craft Trust - Safeguarding Adults (E-Learning)

UK Coaching & Mind - Mental Health Awareness for Sport and Physical Activity (E-Learning)

UK Coaching - Sudden Cardiac Arrest E-Learning

Buddle E-Learning (formerly Club Matters) Learning workshops listed below:

  • Raising Money to Sustain Your Organisation (webinar)
  • Dealing with increased costs (webinar)
  • Developing a marketing strategy (webinar)
  • Planning for your future (webinar)
  • Leadership teams (webinar)
  • Volunteer Experience (webinar)
  • Participant Experience (webinar)
  • Club Matters - A club for everyone (webinar)
  • Engaging your community workshop (webinar)
Andrea Jack

Andrea Jack

Office Manager

  • HR
  • Finance
  • Office Management
  • Support to Core Team
  • Workforce Support
  • Grant Offers
  • General Phone Enquiries
01905 855498
Simon Thomas

Simon Thomas

Deputy Chief Executive Officer

  • Strategic Management & Business Planning
  • Research and Intelligence
  • Workforce Support
07717 422184