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Triathlon is an exciting multi-discipline sport made up of a swim, then a bike ride and then a run.

See Also:
Cycling, Running, Swimming

An Overview of Triathlon

Competitors race against the clock which starts as they begin the swim and stops as they cross the finish line after the run. Race distances vary depending on age and preference. Maximum distances are set for children but adults can choose to race over a number of distances.

The kit you need for swimming, swimsuit and goggles. For riding, any bike in good working order and cycle helmet. For running, trainers, t-shirt/vest and shorts.

Triathlon is a great way to get active and, by taking on the three elements of swimming, cycling and running you can keep it fun and varied too.


Triathlon offers an all-over body work out that will tone the legs through cycling and running, and the arms and upper body through swimming. Depending on your weight and how hard you work in training, swimming and cycling eat up around 600-700 calories an hour, and running even more, perhaps as many as 900.


For people of all ages and abilities wanting to take part, there are approximately 750 triathlon clubs in the United Kingdom with many of them offering taster sessions for people interested in taking up the sport. Information on how you can join can be found on the websites of the British Triathlon Federation, Triathlon England.

Adaptations and Equipment

Some clubs offer wetsuits to hire for free, so just sort yourself out with a working bike for the cycling leg!


  • Triathlon made its debut in the Olympics in 2000.
  • The Brownlee brothers won Gold and Bronze in the London 2012 Olympics.

Find Triathlon Clubs/Groups Near You

Use the search below to find local organisations near you.

National Governing Bodies

British Triathlon Federation

Contact Name
General Information
Contact Email
Contact Telephone
01509 226 161
Worcester Tri Coach

Worcester Tri Coach

Sports Coaching and Personal Training for Adults and Juniors, Groups and 1:1

Circuit Training Classes. Boot Camps. Junior Fitness Camps. Strength and Conditioning Sessions. Weight Loss Classes. Small Group Exercise Sessions. Indoors and Outdoors.

University of Worcester Lakeside Campus

University of Worcester Lakeside Campus

Future developments will be focused on supporting lifelong education in sport, outdoor activity, outdoor learning and science and the environment. We offer engaging experiences


Malvern Triathlon Club

Malvern Triathlon Club is a friendly club which promotes and activity encourages the development of skills in swimming biking, running and training to participate in Triathlons. Our members range from complete beginners to international age group athletes

SASP Sport Welfare Officers Forum

SASP Sport Welfare Officers Forum

A online meeting for Sports Club Welfare & Safeguarding Officers based in Somerset.

You're invited to attend our club welfare forum for anyone involved in sport and physical activity in Somerset, but in particular those in your clubs who hold the role of 'club welfare officer' or 'safeguarding lead'.

If you're the Safeguarding or Welfare Officer at your Sports Club, please join Tracey Sweetland, Somerset Sport Welfare Officer at SASP to learn about local support and opportunities to assist you in your volunteer role.

SASP Sport Welfare Officers Forum

SASP Sport Welfare Officers Forum

A online meeting for Sports Club Welfare & Safeguarding Officers based in Somerset.

You're invited to attend our club welfare forum for anyone involved in sport and physical activity in Somerset, but in particular those in your clubs who hold the role of 'club welfare officer' or 'safeguarding lead'.

If you're the Safeguarding or Welfare Officer at your Sports Club, please join Tracey Sweetland, Somerset Sport Welfare Officer at SASP to learn about local support and opportunities to assist you in your volunteer role.

SASP Sport Welfare Officers Forum

SASP Sport Welfare Officers Forum

A online meeting for Sports Club Welfare & Safeguarding Officers based in Somerset.

You're invited to attend our club welfare forum for anyone involved in sport and physical activity in Somerset, but in particular those in your clubs who hold the role of 'club welfare officer' or 'safeguarding lead'.

If you're the Safeguarding or Welfare Officer at your Sports Club, please join Tracey Sweetland, Somerset Sport Welfare Officer at SASP to learn about local support and opportunities to assist you in your volunteer role.